fotografia Karolina Barzdo

The Law Office is run by Karo­lina Barzdo, legal advi­ser ente­red into the list of legal advi­sers of the Regio­nal Cham­ber of Legal Advi­sers (OIRP) in Gdańsk.

Karo­lina Barzdo gra­du­ated from the Faculty of Law at Adam Mic­kie­wicz Uni­ver­sity in Poznań in Poland and Faculty of Law (Master of Ger­man and Polish Law, LL.M.) at Euro­pean Uni­ver­sity Via­drina in Frank­furt (Oder) in Ger­many. She com­ple­ted post­gra­du­ate stu­dies Inter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness in English at the Faculty of Eco­no­mics of the Uni­ver­sity of Gdańsk. She has gained expe­rience during intern­ships at legal offi­ces in Ber­lin and Gdańsk and work at renow­ned law offi­ces in Tricity.

Karo­lina Barzdo spe­aks flu­ent English and Ger­man. She also knows Spa­nish due to one-year law stu­dies at the uni­ver­sity in Madrid (Uni­ver­si­dad Euro­pea de Madrid). She also com­ple­ted stu­dies for English trans­la­tors inc­lu­ding busi­ness, legal and sworn translations.

Karo­lina Barzdo is inte­re­sted in media­tion, she par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the course on media­tion con­duc­ted by the Polish Cen­ter for Media­tion (PCM). She spe­cia­li­zes in com­mer­cial and inter­na­tio­nal law.

Our Law Office coope­ra­tes with expe­rien­ced attor­neys at law and legal advi­sers as well as fore­ign lawy­ers, inc­lu­ding on the ter­ri­tory of Ger­many, Nor­way and Spain, guaran­te­eing its clients the highest level of services.