Welcome to the website of the Law Office of Legal Advi­ser Karo­lina Barzdo in Gdańsk

Our Law Office offers com­plex legal servi­ces to both entre­pre­neurs and indi­vi­dual clients, in par­ti­cu­lar in the field of com­mer­cial and inter­na­tio­nal law. We offer legal assi­stance in cases with fore­ign ele­ment, inc­lu­ding pro­vi­sion of legal advice to clients in English and German.

In order to get acqu­ain­ted with the deta­iled scope of legal servi­ces pro­vi­ded by our Law Office for entre­pre­neurs and indi­vi­dual clients, ple­ase enter “Services”.

Entre­pre­neurs inte­re­sted in coope­ra­tion with our Law Office regar­ding cases with fore­ign ele­ment, inc­lu­ding cases which requ­ire know­ledge of English and Ger­man, as well as fore­ign legal offi­ces wil­ling to entrust our Law Office with han­dling cases on the ter­ri­tory of Poland, are invi­ted to enter the “Coope­ra­tion offer”.

/ Law Office

Kancelaria prawna

The Law Office is run by Karo­lina Barzdo, legal advi­ser ente­red into the list of legal advi­sers of the Regio­nal Cham­ber of Legal Advi­sers (OIRP) in Gdańsk. Karo­lina Barzdo gra­du­ated from the Faculty of Law at Adam Mic­kie­wicz Uni­ver­sity in Poznań in Poland and Faculty of Law (Master of Ger­man and Polish Law, LL.M.)… More

/ Servi­ces


Our Law Office offers servi­ces of legal assi­stance for entre­pre­neurs and indi­vi­dual clients, pro­vi­ded also in English and Ger­man. We offer repre­sen­ta­tion of clients in nego­tia­tions, pro­ce­edings before courts, public admi­ni­stra­tion bodies and other public enti­ties and insti­tu­tions. We also repre­sent our clients in arbi­tra­tion and… More

/ Coope­ra­tion offer


Our Law Office offers coope­ra­tion to: enti­ties seeking legal sup­port regar­ding han­dling cases with fore­ign ele­ment, inc­lu­ding cases requ­iring com­plex assi­stance in English and Ger­man and fore­ign legal offi­ces and other enti­ties wil­ling to entrust our Law Office with cases rela­ted to Polish law, inc­lu­ding nego­tia­tions, pro­ce­edings… More